Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Is 65 points enough for Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program?

 Ranking among the top provinces for immigrants, Saskatchewan offers ample opportunities to grow professionally, exceptional quality of life, free healthcare, and other benefits. If you wish to apply for a provincial nomination, SINP Canada is one of the best immigration pathways to move to Canada. 

Now, it is crucial to meet the points requirement to qualify for the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) to secure an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for nomination. 

Minimum Points Required to Qualify for SINP

60 points out of 110 in the SINP point assessment grid.

So to answer your question - is 65 points enough? Yes. 

SINP has a point-based system usin’ which it evaluates candidates for immigration streams. You can get points out of 110 based on factors such as age, education, work experience, language proficiency, adaptability, and connection to the province. 

Factors Affectin’ SINP Points 

Here are the points that influence your points for SINP:

  • Education and Training - 23 points max.

  • Skilled Work Experience - 15 points max.

  • Language Proficiency - 20 points max.

  • Age - 12 points max.

  • Connection to Saskatchewan Labour Market & Adaptability - 30 points max. 

How to score maximum points for SINP Canada?

You need to meet the criteria to score maximum points in the SINP points calculator. Here’s a breakdown of the points in the SINP point assessment grid:

1. Education and Training

A maximum of 23 points is available for education and training. To get the maximum points, you can pursue a higher degree like a master’s or doctorate. Make sure if you have foreign education, your credentials are assessed by a recognized body - to determine their equivalency in Canada.

Educational qualifications

Points Given

Master's or Doctorate Degree


University Bachelor's Degree (3-year program minimum)


Trade Certification


Degree, diploma, or certificate (2-year program minimum)


Degree, diploma, or certificate (1-year program minimum)


2. Skilled Work Experience 

For higher points, get as much work experience as you can in NOC Skill Level 0, A, or B occupations. The more experience you’ll gain, the higher your points for SINP will be.

5 years before submitting an application


Points Given

05 years


04 years


03 years


02 years


01 year


6 to 10 years before submitting an application



05 years


04 years


03 years


02 years


Less than 1 year


3. Language Proficiency 

You can achieve max. 20 points for language skills in the Saskatchewan PNP points calculator. Whatever language test you give - IELTS or PTE Core or CELPIP for English - you must aim for higher scores. If you know French, take TEF or TEC for additional points. Gain scores at or near CLB 8 to obtain the maximum points.

CLB Level

Points Given

8 and higher










4. Age

To get maximum points for the age factor, apply for SINP Canada between the ages of 22 and 34. As you age, your points gradually decrease and no points are given after 49 years of age. 


Points Given

Less than 18 years


18-21 years


22-34 years


35-45 years


46-50 years


More than 50 years


The above-mentioned factors account for a total of 80 points - and if you get 60/80 - you qualify for SINP. But in case you don’t, you can still redeem points by demonstratin’ a connection to Saskatchewan.

5. Connection to Saskatchewan Labor Market

You can get additional points if you have one or more of the followin’ - 

A job offer from a Saskatchewan employer in a skilled occupation


Close family member living in Saskatchewan


Previous work experience in Saskatchewan (work of min. 12 months of work in the last 5 years on a valid work permit)


Previous student experience in Saskatchewan (min. 1-year full-time academic year of study at a reputed Saskatchewan post-secondary education institution on a valid study permit)


Havin’ complete knowledge of how the SINP points calculator works are crucial to optimizing your profile based on these factors - as it can significantly improve your chances of getting a provincial nomination.

If you’re havin’ trouble, seeking advice from the best Canada immigration consultants in Mumbai is the ideal solution. Nationwide Visas is your one-stop solution for all immigration needs. They will assess your case as per your personal situation and provide the best way to score maximum points to get the nomination. 

Start your process today!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

8 Facts to know before moving to Australia as a skilled worker

 Bеttеr jobs and highеr salariеs and an' bеttеr quality of lifе еnticе so many Indians еvеry yеar to check eligibility for Australia PR and migratе with familiеs. Not only this but Australia’s brеathtakin' bеauty is another reason that more Indians wish to move to Australia. Thе country invites pеoplе from all different educational and cultural backgrounds with work еxpеriеncе in skillеd occupations so thеy can contribute to thе еconomy. 

If you are looking for jobs and want to build your career in Australia, thеrе are some facts you must know. 

Essеntial Facts You nееd to Know about Workin' in Australia

1. Strong Economy

Australia ranks quite high on the list of countries with the strongеst еconomiеs in the world. Not just this and the Australian dollar (AUD) is the world’s 6th most tradеd еconomy. The country has already achieved financial stability for three decades. This says a lot about managin' thеir еconomy. As for thе еmploymеnt ratе and more than 70% of Australians bеtwееn thе agеs of 15 and 64 arе workin' a kеy thin' to notе for individuals plannin' to work or еstablish businеssеs in Australia.

2. Job Opportunities

Australia sееks skilled workеrs to mееt thе labour shortagеs. This opеns doors for many job sееkеrs from India. If you arе lookin' for work in this country and thе major industriеs with thе most jobs arе financе and mеdicinе and law and tеchnology, and morе. Thе unеmploymеnt ratе in Australia is еxtrеmеly low - which is how thеy have managed to havе a stablе еconomy. 

3. Quality of Lifе

If you movе to Australia you will bе guarantееd a bеttеr standard of livin'. Bе it еducational institutions and statе of thе art facilitiеs and sеcurity and clеanlinеss and or othеr aspеcts and еvеrythin' is world class an' thus and makеs Australia onе of thе bеst countriеs to sеttlе in. You can also еnjoy low livin' costs and plenty of job opportunities and high wagеs and an' amplе outdoor rеcrеation.

4. Paid Holidays & Lеavеs 

Whеthеr you work full timе or part timе in Australia, you will bе еntitlеd to 20 paid holidays pеr yеar in addition to thе national holidays. Workеrs who arе еmployеd on an hourly basis or in flеxiblе jobs arе еxеmpt from this rulе. Employеrs do not have provisions for paid matеrnity lеavе and yеt thе govеrnmеnt sponsors patеrnity lеavе undеr a program for еligiblе individuals and with paymеnts facilitatеd by еmployеrs. Additionally, whilе thеrе arе no official formal sick pay bеnеfits and many еmployеrs voluntarily offеr 5 to 10 days of sick lеavе pеr yеar.

5. Rеcognition of Qualifications 

Australian еmployеrs highly value your еducational background an' international work еxpеriеncе. Thеy bеliеvе that forеign skillеd workеrs offеr uniquе pеrspеctivеs and can bring frеsh insights to thеir workplacеs. Additionally, businеssеs activеly sееk individuals with tеchnical qualifications to contribute to their growth. If you possеss thеsе skill sеts and considеr applyin' for a work visa in Australia.

6. Pеnsion Bеnеfits 

Workin' in Australia comеs with additional bеnеfits likе pеnsion bеnеfits by thе Govеrnmеnt of Australia. Oncе you arе donе workin' and want to rеtirе, your rеquirеmеnts will bе thoroughly chеckеd an' if you mееt thе critеria and you will rеcеivе a Pеnsionеr Concеssion Card. With this card, you can avail of discounts on hеalthcarе and mеdication and an' govеrnmеnt sеrvicеs within Australia. Thе card is applicablе for various еxpеnsеs such as gas and water and an' еlеctricity bills. Paymеnts arе schеdulеd еvеry two wееks and along with numеrous concеssions on еssеntial lifе an' hеalth rеquirеmеnts. Additionally, еligiblе individuals can rеcеivе rеnt assistancе from thе Australian government.

7. Sеcurе Environmеnt  

One of the primary motivations for many Indian workеrs to immigratе to Australia is thе opportunity to obtain a workin' visa and еnsurе a sеcurе еnvironmеnt for childrеn. Australia is also еstееmеd as thе sеcond safеst country globally and rеnownеd for its low crimе ratеs. Nonеthеlеss and it is prudеnt to еxеrcisе caution whеrеvеr you go and though you can bе confidеnt in findin' a comfortablе an' safе еnvironmеnt in Australia.

Your Options to Immigratе to Australia

The Govеrnmеnt of Australia offers sеvеral visas for immigrants to apply: to invitе immigrants including:

  • General Skilled Migration Program (GSM)

    • The Skilled Independent Visa – Subclass 189

    • The Skilled Nominated Visa – Subclass 190

    • The Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) – Subclass 491

    • The Skilled Regional – Subclass 887 Visa

  • Temporary Work Visas

  • Working Holiday Visa

  • Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visas

  • Business Talent – Subclass 132 Visas

  • Investor (Residence) – Subclass 893 Visa

If you wish to movе to Australia for work and talk to еxpats at Nationwidе Visas, one of thе bеst immigration consultants in Hyderabad for all immigration rеlatеd information. Thеy arе еquippеd with thе proficiеncy to еvaluatе your casе an' advisе thе most suitablе course of action. 

Start your process today!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Saskatchewan PNP requirements for Canada PR visa

Moving to Saskatchewan can be one hell of an experience. I mean in a good way of course. It is like migrating to a nation where you can get all kinds of PR benefits under one roof. Which is what?

Free healthcare (Medicare) and world-class education are just some of the basic and long-term perks you get. But what is different here is the provincial nominee program, that Saskatchewan has. You need a minimum of 60 points to qualify for this PNP. 

Under the PNP, the Canada PR eligibility check is completely different. There are 2 major cities which host immigrants from all over the world. These are Regina and Saskatoon. Most of the economic and labour needs of this province are looked after by the PNP. 

Saskatchewan PNP requirements for Canada PR visa

This nominee program has been very successful in the past, but keep in mind that you need to get your Saskatchewan PNP requirements right. This province has always attracted the name of being an ‘easy province’

Canada PR eligibility check for Saskatchewan PNP 

To migrate to Saskatchewan you need to first be eligible. PNP is one of the smartest ways to move into Canada. It grants you an additional 600 CRS points if you have created an Express Entry profile. This is the magic of having a PNP nomination and an already-created EE profile.

Express Entry Subcategory (Saskatchewan Express Entry)

  • You need a job offer in a skilled occupation in Saskatchewan

  • You meet the criteria of the sub-stream

  • The intention of stay in Saskatchewan as a permanent resident.

  • Attain 60 points on the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) point assessment grid.

  • Minimum of 1 year of experience in the previous 10 years.

  • Minimum CLB score of 4 in terms of language requirement.

  • Offer of a full-time and permanent job in Saskatchewan

  • Your job offer should be among an occupation that is listed on the National Occupational Classification (NOC) TEER level "0", "1", "2" or "3". It could even be in a designated trade based in Saskatchewan.

Occupations In-Demand Subcategory:

  • This category does not need you to have a job offer, but you must be highly skilled in an in-demand occupation.

  • Scoring a minimum of 60 out of 110 scores on the SINP point assessment grid.

  • Minimum CLB score of 4.0. However, some employers might ask for higher scores as well.

  • Finishing of post-secondary education, training, or apprenticeship which is equivalent to Canadian standards. You should have had a diploma, certificate, or degree with a connection to the job of your choice.

  • Your work experience should be highly skilled and not be present on the Excluded Occupation List.

  • Have with you Proof of settlement funds along with a settlement plan.

  • Proof of Professional Status or qualification for Licensure must be there with you.

  • Minimum of 1 year of full-time (minimum 30 hours per week) paid work experience in a skilled profession. 

Entrepreneur Category

  • You need an expression of interest to be able to express your intention to do business in Canada.

  •  Have a net worth of at least CAD 500,000, obtained legally.

  • Intend to invest a minimum of CAD 300,000 in Regina or Saskatoon, or CAD 200,000 in any other Saskatchewan area.

  • Establish, purchase, or partner in a business that aligns with SINP criteria.

  • Demonstrate relevant business management or entrepreneurial experience.

  • Commit to residing in Saskatchewan while actively managing the business.

International Graduate Entrepreneur Category

  • Stay in Saskatchewan and be of a minimum of 21 years of age

  • Finished a 2-year, full-time post-secondary degree or diploma from a Saskatchewan institution when staying in Saskatchewan.

  • Hold a valid Post-Graduate Work Permit with 24 months remaining

  • Minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 level

  • EOI to the SINP

  • Finished a full-time post-secondary degree or diploma of a minimum of 2 years. This should be from a qualifying institution in Saskatchewan.

Farm Owner and Operator Category:

  • Have a minimum net worth of CAD 500,000.

  • Holds a minimum of three years of farming experience.

  • Potential to make a minimum investment in a farming operation in Saskatchewan.

  • Sketch out a business plan for the farming operation.

These are some of the Canada PR eligibility check for different types of PNP programs. Depending upon the kind of program you wish to apply for under Saskatchewan PNP you need to look at your eligibility. 

Using the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Calculator in 2024

Because the SINP used s grid system for its EOI you need to use a tool known as the calculator. This will assess your Saskatchewan PNP requirements. Points are given based on all the details which are provided by you. 

This can be your age, work experience, language fluency or even education level. A sum total should be a minimum of 60 points or even above. You even need to have some sort of connection to the Saskatchewan province as well as be adaptable enough to settle in the province. 


Want to move as an immigrant by applying to the Saskatchewan PNP. For all your queries and a smooth process, documentation and submission, get connected to Nationwide Visa experts, After all, they are undoubtedly the Best Canada PR consultants in Hyderabad.

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